
We just released a new plugin bundle: Struninn - Elementor Plugins Bundle! We'll be having a discount price for just a few days, so hurry up and check it out!

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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community







Getting Started

How to Install

The theme installation process consists of two steps:

Installing the Theme

There are two ways to install the theme. You can either install it manually or by using the WordPress upload functionality.

Upload Install

To install the theme using this method you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to your WordPress administration panel.
  • Select the Appearance menu.
  • Click on the Add New button on the top left.
  • Click on the Upload Theme button on the top left.
  • Click on Choose File, select the theme file that is inside the package Theme/ directory.
  • Click on Install Now and the theme installation will start.
  • The installation will finish and the plugin will now show in the Appearance menu, from where you can activate it.

Manual Install

To install the plugin using this method you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the package Theme/ directory.
  • Copy the vikinger/ folder and paste it in your WordPress installation /wp-content/themes/ directory.
  • Go to your WordPress admin panel and open the Appearance menu. The Vikinger theme will appear on the list.

Installing Required Plugins

The theme requires several plugins to work correctly. To make the process of installing, activating and upgrading all required plugins easier, we created a one click installer that does this for you:

  • After activating the theme, a Vikinger menu will appear on your WordPress admin panel, click it.
  • On this screen, you can view the status of the theme setup process, the required plugins and a button on the bottom that you can use to fix any missing plugin installs, activations or updates.
  • The setup status will tell you that something is wrong because we haven’t installed any of the required plugins yet. If you already have any of the required plugins installed, activated and updated to the latest version, a checkmark will appear next to it.
  • Click on the Install / Activate / Update button to complete the setup. Please be patient as the process may take a few minutes
  • When the process completes, if all plugins where successfully installed, activated and updated, the new setup status will say that everything is ok. It can happen that a plugin failed to install, activate or update, in this case you can use the same button to try again and complete the setup.
  • That’s it, the theme installation is complete!. Next, you need to configure some of the installed plugin options, go to the Theme Setup section of this documentation and follow the setup guide.