Getting Started
Theme Setup
After installing the theme, you need to configure some plugin options to ensure the correct functionality of the included features.
If you haven’t installed the theme yet, please refer to the How to Install section of this documentation before proceeding.
The following configuration changes need to be made for this plugin:
Change WordPress permalink structure
- Go to Settings -> Permalinks on your WordPress admin panel.
- Select Post Name under Permalink Settings and click on Save Changes.

Add BuddyPress Components
- Go to Settings -> BuddyPress on your WordPress admin panel.
- Select the components so you have the same as on the screenshot below and click on Save Settings.

Change BuddyPress Template Pack
- Go to Settings -> BuddyPress on your WordPress admin panel.
- Select the Options tab.
- Change the Template Pack to BuddyPress Legacy and click on Save Settings.

- Select the Pages tab and check that you have the same pages assigned as on the screenshot below.

- That’s it, you finished the setup process and can now start using and customizing your theme!. To import theme demo content (optional), please refer to the Demo Import section.