Theme Customization
Customizer Settings
We created a lot of different options to allow you to customize as much as possible of the theme and integrated them with the WordPress Customizer, this way you have a centralized place where you can edit and preview any change you make to the theme.

There are more than 15 sections with more than 85 customizable options in total which can be accessed from the Vikinger Settings panel of the Customizer.

Sections have information about what type of options they contain and each of their options have a description that helps understand what that particular option changes in the theme.

Vikinger Settings – Overview
Here’s a quick overview of all the main customization options that you’ll have with the theme, from changing login page texts, settings, color presets, member options, headers, and much more! We strongly suggest you to check out this page before customizing your theme!
Login – Register
Change everything related to the lgin and register pages, like background image, main text, the option to force users to login and more!
Admin Bar
You can choose to display or hide the admin bar. Selecting “Hide” will hide the admin bar on the frontend for all logged in users except administrators.
From here, you can select the primary and secondary fonts used in the theme.
Color Presets
Choose the default color preset of the site, enable the color theme switch, select which color preset to assign to your site light and dark color themes and select the default color theme the site uses.
Colors – Custom Preset and other Color Presets
You can change the theme colors of the individual presets with your desired ones.
Loading Screen
Choose to display or hide the loading screen of the site. We recommend to display the loading screen to avoid FOUC (flash of unstyled content.
Change search options, like showing or hiding the search bar and enabling or disabling search results.
You can choose to use hexagon, circle or square avatars for members and groups.
Change media settings like photo/video maximum upload size and allowed extensions.
You can choose to use version 1 or version 2 of the blog open post.
Side Menu
You can choose to display or hide the side menu.
Choose newsfeed options like limit Youtube playback, enabling a “show more” button on longer status updates, place character limits and more.
Customize the members options like default avatar and covers, enabling profile section tabs and choosing their order.
Customize the groups default avatar and covers.
Page Headers
Customize the background image used in all the headers of the theme and the option to display or hide them all.
Page Headers – Search, Blog, Forum, etc…
Customize each individual header title, subtitle and main image.
Choose if you want the footer hidden or not and what’s displayed on the left and bottom parts of the footer of the site.
404 Page
From here, you can customize the image and text used in the 404 error page.