Testimonials Page
For the testimonials and reviews page we’re using a free app called Testimonials which allows you to easily collect video and text testimonials (without wasting your space, as they handle the video hosting), plus creating a wall with tweets, Youtube and Vimeo videos and more! You can create a free account here!.
Once you have created your account, go to your dashboard, and click Create a new space. You’ll get a unique link to share with your customers for them to record their videos and they will appear on your dashboard. Here you’ll also be able to add things like tweets, Youtube and Vimeo videos, and more to beef up your wall! Remember to click the hearts on the top right corner of the, for example tweets, to add them to your wall.
For more info about customization of the testimonials and support for the app, click here to see a full documentation of how to use it. Please keep in mind that they are the ones that handle and support the app, so if you have any issues, please contact them for support.
When you’re happy with your wall, click the Wall of love grid link on the left sidebar, under Embeds and a popup will open. Choose the options you want, like the size of the cards, and others, and click the Copy Code button. Now you’re ready to add it to your theme!
Add it to your Elementor page!
If you want to add it to your theme, you can easily do it via Elementor’s HTML Widget, that lets you embed the code you got from your Wall of Love. Just go to the theme’s page where you want to insert the testimonials or create a new one and click Edit with Elementor (if you are not familiar with the plugin and want to learn more about Elementor and how to use it, check out the Elementor guides).
Check out the following video guide to see how we add a Testimonial to the Elementor page: