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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community







Theme Customization


We created 2 custom sidebars for the theme that you can use to display widgets:

Adding Widgets to the Blog Post Bottom Sidebar

While viewing a version 1 post page, click on the Widgets customizer section to access it (You can also edit the sidebars widgets from the WordPress admin panel, Appearance -> Widgets menu).

The (Vikinger) Blog Post Bottom Sidebar sidebar will be available for selection:

From here, you can add, edit or remove the widgets assigned to this sidebar. Please refer to the Widgets section of this documentation for more information about which custom widgets this sidebar supports.

Adding Widgets to the Blog Post Sidebar

While viewing a version 2 or 3 post page, click on the Widgets customizer section to access it (You can also edit the sidebars widgets from the WordPress admin panel, Appearance -> Widgets menu).

The (Vikinger) Blog Post Sidebar sidebar will be available for selection:

From here, you can add, edit or remove the widgets assigned to this sidebar. Please refer to the Widgets section of this documentation for more information about which custom widgets this sidebar supports.