
We just released a new plugin bundle: Struninn - Elementor Plugins Bundle! We'll be having a discount price for just a few days, so hurry up and check it out!

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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community








Landing Page

Hi! As of update v1.6.3, we are discontinuing the old Elementor landing and it’s login/register box widget and adding two new pages (new landing and testimonials page). We recommend always using these new pages together with the WordPress login and BuddyPress register and activate pages as it provides more security and options for both the login process, with the forgot password functionality, and the register process, which requires account activation via a key that is sent to the registering user email.

As per customer’s requests, we created new Elementor pages, one landing and one “inner” page (Testimonials), where, even if you have the option to force people to login, you’ll be able to show these pages to them as some sort of “introduction” using the new Force Login – Exceptions customizer option. Something similar to what Discord has, where they have a landing, and then they have a button at the top for people to “enter” the app (in this case would be to enter the community)

You can only use Elementor to edit pages created with Elementor (like the landing page) or create new pages.

How to import the landing page

You’ll find the Elementor imports and settings files inside the main downloadable zip that you download from your Envato downloads page (not the WordPress installable file) inside the following directory:

“Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community\Imports\Elementor”

As you can see on the video, the styles (colors, fonts, etc) are the using Elementor default Site Settings, for a detailed explanation on how to import live demo site settings, please go to the Elementor -> Site Settings section.