
We just released a new plugin bundle: Struninn - Elementor Plugins Bundle! We'll be having a discount price for just a few days, so hurry up and check it out!

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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community







Getting Started

Demo Import

We created a demo content import page so you’ll be able to import all the menus, pages and profile fields that you see in the live demo and more!

First of all, make sure to follow the steps of the How to Install and Theme Setup sections. After this you’ll have two options:

  • Customize the theme the way you want, adding your sections, menus, etc, following the steps of each of the documentation sections (Theme Customization, Menus, etc) and the video guides. This is better for people that want to start from zero and customize everything.
  • Import content from the demo. You’ll find the import screen inside the theme, in the “Demo Import” tab. There, you’ll be able to choose what elements to import, or even reset them. We developed this so you can import all, or just choose the elements that you’d like to add.

    Please keep in mind that this tool doesn’t import the Elementor and GamiPress plugin specific demo content data (including all badges, quests, ranks and credits with the illustrations) because they are imported via each plugin. You can import the plugin specific demo content data by following the steps in the Elementor and GamiPress – Demo Content sections of the documentation.

Check out this video guide where you can see the entire process, from installing and configuring the theme, to importing all content to make it look like the live demo:

After this, as we mentioned before, you only need to install the Elementor demo content and customize all other elements (menus, pages, etc) any way you want! Take a look at other sections of the documentation to see how to edit each one!