Theme Customization
We created 3 custom widgets for the theme that you can use on the post page sidebars:
- (Vikinger) Posts Grid: usable in the (Vikinger) Blog Post Bottom Sidebar.
- (Vikinger) Mixed Posts List: usable in the (Vikinger) Blog Post Sidebar.
- (Vikinger) Posts List: usable in the (Vikinger) Blog Post Sidebar.
(Vikinger) Posts Grid

This widget can be customized by using the following options:
- Pre Title: text that shows before the Title.
- Title: title of the widget.
- Post Count: how many posts to show in the grid.
- Show: type of posts to show in the grid. One of: Popular, Newest, Related.
- Related By: criteria that determines if posts are related, has effect only if Related was selected in the Show option.
(Vikinger) Mixed Posts List

This widget can be customized by using the following options:
- Title: title of the widget.
- Select Post Tabs to show: each tab will display the type of posts indicated in the option, select at least 1.
- Post Count: how many posts to show on each tab.
- Related By: criteria that determines if posts are related, has effect only in the Related tab option.
(Vikinger) Posts List

This widget can be customized by using the following options:
- Title: title of the widget.
- Post Count: how many posts to show in the list.
- Show: type of posts to show in the list. One of: Popular, Newest, Related.
- Related By: criteria that determines if posts are related, has effect only if Related was selected in the Show option.