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Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community









FEB 19, 2025



  • Fixed an issue that could cause private group activities to show sitewide after editing them.
  • In order to allow users to change the status of private group activities made public by this issue, we added the activity option Make private (the activity author / creator can access this option by clicking on the three dots icon, at the top right side of the activity)
  • The Make private option will display only on private group activities that are public, and will allow the activity author to return their status to private. Once you use this function, please ensure to refresh the page before trying to edit them again.

NOV 29, 2024



  • Updated theme to be compatible with localization file loading changes introduced in WordPress version 6.7.


  • Replaced deprecated functions.

OCT 17, 2024



  • Fixed an issue that prevented post format inputs in the post editor from displaying under some conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the “Add Image” button on the post editor from working.
  • Fixed a styling issue that could ocurr with images added with the “Add Image” button.

To get these fixes, please update the “Vikinger Metaboxes” plugin to version 1.0.3 from the theme “Setup” backend menu.

  • Improved display of blog post V1 and V2 with featured image on mobile devices.

SEP 24, 2024


Paid Memberships Pro

  • Improved spacing and size of subtitles in account hub pages.
  • Updated login page styles.


  • Updated templates to WooCommerce v9.3.1.

AUG 16, 2024


Paid Memberships Pro

  • Updated templates to latest version of Paid Memberships Pro (v3.1.3).
  • Updated styles to latest version of Paid Memberships Pro (v3.1.3).

JUN 21, 2024



  • Updated templates to latest version of WooCommerce (v9.0.1).

APR 24, 2024



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Manage Groups menu item to display and its page to be accessible when the Enable group creation for all users option was deactivated.

Verified Member for BuddyPress

  • Added support for the Enable Verification Requests option.
  • Added support for the Display Unverified Badge option.
  • Fixed badge size issue when displaying on member usernames.

APR 04, 2024


Paid Memberships Pro

  • Updated theme to support latest plugin version (v3.0.1).

FEB 21, 2024



  • Fixed mobile sidebar username text using wrong color when using dark themes.


  • Added styles for the new information, success and error message boxes.

Better Messages

  • Updated theme style compatiblity in light and dark versions.

JAN 25, 2024



  • Removed functions that were deprecated in version 12.0.0.


  • The Category filter now only displays top level categories.
  • Added the Post Categories – Filter Display option to the customizer ( Vikinger Settings > Blog ), which allows users to disable the post categories filter.

JAN 09, 2024



  • Fixed an issue that could cause some activity content to not display line breaks.

Social Links

  • Replaced Twitter icon with X icon.

NOV 17, 2023



  • Added the Header Behaviour option to the Customizer (Vikinger Settings > Header). This option allows to select if the Header should be hidden or remain sticky on page scroll.

NOV 14, 2023


Better Messages

  • Added support for the Only Friends Mode option, message buttons will now display for non friend users in member cards and profile pages if the plugin is active and this option disabled.

OCT 10, 2023



  • Added support for the Thousands separator option for point types, which allows users to enter a symbol to separate thousands.

OCT 04, 2023


BuddyPress / bbPress

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the forum privacy options in the manage group popup from being translatable.


  • Added support for the Show Earners option for achievements and ranks, which allows to select if you want to display a list of users who have completed an achievement or reached a rank.
  • Added support for the Maximum Earners option for achievements and ranks, which allows to set the maximum number of earners to display.

JUL 29, 2023



  • Settings have been reordered for ease of access, related settings are now under the same section and descriptions have been improved to allow users to have a better understanding of what each setting does.
  • Added Header section.
  • Added an option to the Header section that allows to display / hide the header cart.
  • Due to the amount of users misusing the force login and admin bar control settings and reporting them as bugs (which resulted in wasting a lot of time of the support team, that could have been used to assist other user questions / reports) we have decided to deprecate them. If you need access to similar functionality, we recommend searching for a plugin:

Force login:

Hide admin bar:


  • Profile stream page navigation item will no longer display if the user hasn’t linked a stream to their profile.

JUL 28, 2023



JUL 26, 2023



  • Header position is no longer fixed and padding is no longer required to avoid content overlap.
  • Header now hides when scrolling down the page and displays when scrolling up, improving user experience, specially on mobile. Sidebar position is adjusted accordingly.


  • Added the vikinger_members_get_xprofile_valid_social_networks_get function and removed the duplicate valid social network list in the vikinger/js/source/component/utils/xprofile.js file, removing the need to add custom social networks in both places. The vikinger_members_xprofile_valid_social_networks filter can now be used to add custom social network names for all instances of social network icon display.

JUL 05, 2023



  • Fixed an issue that caused the sidebar to display below the header menu.


  • Users are now directed to the member about page when trying to access member activities if the BuddyPress activity component is disabled.
  • Added vikinger_members_redirect_url filter, which allows to customize the redirect url.
  • Removed activity slug from links. Please update the Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension plugin to its latest version (v1.1.2) by using the theme installer (Vikinger > Setup).


  • Fixed an issue that caused topic reply cancel button to be missing theme styles.


  • Fixed an issue that caused product option labels to be misaligned.

JUN 16, 2023



  • Fixed an issue that could cause reaction images to not load, all reaction images now have to be PNG (.png), if you added custom reaction images, please ensure that they use this format and extension. Please update the Vikinger Reactions plugin to its latest version (v1.0.5) by using the theme installer (Vikinger > Setup).

Dark mode

  • Fixed several dark mode related style issues.


  • Fixed an issue that caused product add to cart button alignment to be out of place.

JUN 02, 2023



  • Fixed an issue that could cause achievements to fail to unlock when trying to unlock them manually in single achievement pages.

Better Messages

  • Fixed an issue that caused messages “More” menu to display below the dropdown in header notifications.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the “Send Message” buttons on member profile and member lists to not open the respective user message.

MAR 29, 2023



  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from translating some register page strings.

DEC 1, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the site to crash if the plugin was not active.

NOV 30, 2022



  • Added a pointer events delay to prevent submenu items from displaying within a few miliseconds of opening its parent submenu.


  • Added Vikinger Settings -> Achievements customizer section.
  • Added an option that allows to change the view more badges image (Vikinger Settings -> Achievements -> Badges – View More Image).
  • Added an option that allows to change the locked quest image (Vikinger Settings -> Achievements -> Quests – Locked Image).


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the site to crash if the groups component was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some profile button icons to not display on mobile resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause circle and square avatars to display out of place in edited activities.

NOV 16, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that could cause some elements (activities, member lists, group lists, etc) to appear blurry under certain conditions.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause some text to overflow the container in blog posts.


  • Fixed an issue that would hide the Create Discussion and Subscribe buttons when the site wide search was disabled.
  • The group forum search now filters topics in that group forum instead of doing a forum wide search.

Paid Memberships Pro

  • Added an icon for the BuddyPress member profile Membership menu.

NOV 5, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that could cause some groups to not display all navigation items.
  • Removed slug from group preview cards and group page.
  • Added support for BuddyPress Group Types.
  • The Group Type Has Directory View option adds a new dropdown to group lists that allows to filter groups by group type.
  • The Group Type Show on Group option adds a group type tag to the group in profiles, previews, activities, etc.
  • The Group Type Show on Group Creation allows users to assign group types when creating / editing a group on the frontend.

OCT 27, 2022



  • Removed text wrap from simple menu dropdown items.


  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause the activity feed to crash when the “Limit YouTube Playback” option was enabled.
  • Fixed a text display issue when using a number of symbols in the group name / description.

AUG 26, 2022



  • Users are now redirected to the page they where browsing after logging in from an internal site page.
  • The vikinger_login_page_redirect_url filter has been added and can be used to customize the login page redirect url.
  • Users are now redirected to the page they where browsing after logging out from an internal site page.
  • The vikinger_logout_page_redirect_url filter has been added and can be used to customize the logout page redirect url.
  • 404 page button now redirects users to home page by default.
  • The vikinger_404_button_url filter has been added and can be used to customize the 404 page button url.


  • Added member avatar to edited by details of comments.
  • Improved member name visibility in edited by details of comments.

Member Preview

  • Big and Small Grid member preview cards in the same row now always have the same height.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the photo and video member pages and menu items to be created and displayed even when the Vikinger Media plugin was not active.
  • Added member avatar to edited by details of activities.
  • Improved member name visibility in edited by details of activities.
  • Added support for BuddyPress Member Types.
  • The Member Type Has Directory View option adds a new dropdown to member lists that allows to filter users by member type.
  • The Member Type Show on Member option adds a member type tag to the user in profiles, activities, comments, etc.

Paid Memberships Pro

  • Added membership status tag to mobile navigation.


  • Forum thumbnails are now displayed in mobile resolutions.


  • Fixed an error that could ocurr when trying to get achievement, point or rank images when not in multisite.

AUG 19, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that caused the header friend requests widget to close when interacting with pending friendship requests.


  • Replaced db “is_built_with_elementor” deprecated function.


AUG 2, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that could cause some account hub links to be incorrect when disabling the activity streams component.
  • Fixed a styling issue with user preview widget footer actions on mobile.
  • Fixed a styling issue with user profile actions on mobile.
  • Improved group manager error handling and information provided to user in case of error.
  • Added a new option in the Customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Members” that allows to select the amount of members that display per page in member lists.
  • Added a new option in the Customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Groups” that allows to select the amount of groups that display per page in group lists.

JUN 18, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that could cause some elements styles (outside of the elementor page area) to be incorrect in elementor pages.

JUN 09, 2022



  • Removed white space that displayed at the top of Vikinger backend pages.


  • Improved <code> HTML element styles.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause font family, color and line height to be overridden by theme styles.

Paid Memberships Pro

  • Improved login page styles.


  • Updated theme documentation content, improved navigation and performance and updated documentation links in the theme backend.

MAY 17, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that caused the profile action button text to not display correctly on mobile resolutions.
  • Member profile links now direct to the corresponding user “About” page when the BuddyPress “Activity Streams” component is disabled.

Paid Memberships Pro

  • Added the Paid Memberships Pro login page as an exception by default when the “Force Login” option is enabled.

MAR 25, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that caused point, achievement and rank type images to not display correctly on multisite.

MAR 24, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that would not hide the blog banner in Gallery, Video and Audio posts when the “Vikinger Settings” -> “Page Headers” -> “Display / Hide” was set to “Hide”.


  • Fixed an issue that caused circle and square avatar types to not display on activity status texts.
  • Fixed an issue that caused activity share and upload popups to not hide after posting the shared content.


  • Replaced deprecated _register_controls() function.

MAR 3, 2022



  • Fixed an issue introduced in the previous update that would reset styles for more elements than intended.
  • Added a new version of the landing page Elementor template, which fixes several element positioning issues.

MAR 1, 2022



  • Fixed an issue that would allow the use of mention functionality when the friends component was disabled.
  • Activity YouTube embeds now also support the short URL format (


  • Fixed an issue that could cause some styles to not display correctly.

JAN 28, 2022



  • User account hub email settings page no longer displays settings related to a disabled BuddyPress component.
  • If all email settings related components are disabled, the “Email Settings” account hub page and menu items wil not be created.


  • Fixed an issue that caused notifications for actions added in a bbPress update to display “undefined” instead of a description text.

Better Messages

  • Added dark themed styles for the “Private Message” link in bbPress reply author boxes.

JAN 15, 2022



  • Fixed an issue with an undefined variable in the “Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension” plugin. Please update the plugin to its latest version (v1.1.1) by using the theme installer (Vikinger -> General).


  • Added support for custom post types in category, tag and archive pages.


  • Updated bp_has_profile() function argument in the “register.php” template file.


  • Replaced deprecated _content_template() function.

DEC 21, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the newsfeed to crash if a data inconsistency was found in group activities.


  • Individual photo activities on mobile now display activity information, comment form and reactions below the photo.

Better Messages

  • Added styles for new chat elements.
  • Added styles for the modern messages layout.
  • The header messages widget is now replaced with the “Better Messages” interactive widget when the plugin is installed and active.

DEC 08, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused post, comment and activity reactions to not display localized / translated text. Please update the “Vikinger Reactions” and “Vikinger Reactions – BuddyPress Integration” plugins to their latest versions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused media upload activities to not save correctly in certain conditions.

NOV 23, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the activation page text from including HTML tags.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented points being awarded when using the “Publish an activity post in a group” action.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented points being awarded when using the “Create a group” action.

OCT 07, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused GamiPress member ranks to report as 0 when the “Rank” rank type was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused GamiPress credits widget to display on member profile newsfeed pages even when there weren’t any existing point types.
  • Fixed an issue that caused GamiPress achievements to show +0 points when the respective achievement didn’t award any points.

SEP 25, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused the side menu to not open when used in pages that didn’t have the theme content grid.
  • Fixed an issue that caused rank description data to not display.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented group enable forum status from being correctly disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the register page text from including HTML tags.


  • The BuddyPress “bp_activity_get” function is no longer used to compute group post count as it always returns 0 if the user is not logged in, causing group post counts across the site to report 0 posts in a group even if it had posts.

Photo Upload

  • Added the “Photo Upload – Allowed Extensions – Case Sensitive” option to the Customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Media”. Users can choose to disable this option to allow any capitalization combination of the file extensions entered in the “Photo Upload – Allowed Extensions” option to be used. For example, if the allowed extension is “jpg” and this option is disabled, then the following extensions will be allowed: “jpg”, “JPG”, “Jpg”, etc.

Video Upload

  • Added the “Video Upload – Allowed Extensions – Case Sensitive” option to the Customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Media”. Users can choose to disable this option to allow any capitalization combination of the file extensions entered in the “Video Upload – Allowed Extensions” option to be used. For example, if the allowed extension is “mp4” and this option is disabled, then the following extensions will be allowed: “mp4”, “MP4”, “Mp4”, etc.

Twitch Integration

  • Added the “Profile Stream Page – Order” option in the Customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Members” section, which allows users to control the menu item position of the Stream profile page.

Force Login

  • Exception Page URLs now allow strict match comparison if you don’t use regex in your URL. This means that, for example, if “” is set as exception, URLs like “” will not match.

Child Theme

  • Added additional constants and function checks in the parent theme to allow more constants and functions to be overridden in the child theme.
  • Added actions and filters in several parent theme functions to allow easier customization via the child theme (more than 60 filters / actions have been added).
  • Added a new backend page called “Hooks” with a list of all the hooks that are available for use in the theme.


  • Filters (60)
    • WordPress (14)
      • Blog (9)
        • vikinger_posts_get_args
        • vikinger_posts_get_data
        • vikinger_posts_get_results
        • vikinger_posts_get_count_args
        • vikinger_posts_get_sticky_posts_args
        • vikinger_posts_get_sticky_posts_results
        • vikinger_pages_get_args
        • vikinger_pages_get_data
        • vikinger_pages_get_results
      • Comments (3)
        • vikinger_comments_get_args
        • vikinger_comments_get_data
        • vikinger_comments_get_results
      • User (2)
        • vikinger_users_grid_type_default
        • vikinger_users_sidemenu_status_default
    • BuddyPress (35)
      • Members (13)
        • vikinger_members_get_args
        • vikinger_members_get_data
        • vikinger_members_get_results
        • vikinger_members_get_count_args
        • vikinger_members_get_post_count_activity_components
        • vikinger_members_get_post_count_activity_types
        • vikinger_members_get_comment_count_activity_components
        • vikinger_members_get_comment_count_activity_types
        • vikinger_members_profile_navigation_items
        • vikinger_members_profile_navigation_items_default_position
        • vikinger_members_profile_navigation_subitems
        • vikinger_members_accounthub_navigation_sections
        • vikinger_members_xprofile_valid_social_networks
      • Groups (11)
        • vikinger_groups_get_args
        • vikinger_groups_get_data
        • vikinger_groups_get_results
        • vikinger_groups_get_count_args
        • vikinger_groups_get_members_args
        • vikinger_groups_get_members_results
        • vikinger_groups_get_members_count_args
        • vikinger_groups_get_post_count_activity_components
        • vikinger_groups_get_post_count_activity_types
        • vikinger_groups_profile_navigation_items
        • vikinger_groups_meta_valid_social_networks
      • Activities (4)
        • vikinger_activities_get_args
        • vikinger_activities_get_data
        • vikinger_activities_get_results
        • vikinger_activities_get_count_args
      • Messages (3)
        • vikinger_messages_get_args
        • vikinger_messages_get_data
        • vikinger_messages_get_results
      • Notifications (3)
        • vikinger_notifications_get_args
        • vikinger_notifications_get_data
        • vikinger_notifications_get_results
      • Stream (1)
        • vikinger_streams_twitch_embed_iframe_src
    • Vikinger Media (5)
      • File (5)
        • vikinger_file_default_allowed_type_extensions
        • vikinger_file_member_root_uploads_path
        • vikinger_file_member_root_uploads_url
        • vikinger_file_group_root_uploads_path
        • vikinger_file_group_root_uploads_url
    • GamiPress (6)
      • Achievements (3)
        • vikinger_achievements_get_args
        • vikinger_achievements_get_data
        • vikinger_achievements_get_results
      • Ranks (3)
        • vikinger_ranks_get_args
        • vikinger_ranks_get_data
        • vikinger_ranks_get_results
  • Actions (2)
    • Vikinger Media (2)
      • File (2)
        • vikinger_file_uploaded
        • vikinger_file_deleted

AUG 31, 2021



  • Improved notification support by adding a new text only notification format that will be used to display unrecognized notifications.


  • Improved error handling when a user assigned points to a badge or quest but didn’t select a point type.
  • WordPress shortcodes and blocks used in the badges or quests description field are now displated in the individual achievement box template.

BP Better Messages

  • Improved chat header and footer styles.

Account Hub

  • Removed the account hub side menu on mobile resolutions, removing the need for users to scroll down to be able to see the respective page main content. All account hub side menu items are available in the mobile menu of the site.

Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress Add On

  • Added support for membership level display on reaction popups when the “Show Membership Level on BuddyPress Profile?” option is set to “Yes”.

Twitch Integration

  • Twitch video ({video_id}) and channel ({channel_username}) links that users post on activities will now be converted into an embedded player that allows other users to directly watch the linked video or channel.
  • A new “Stream” setting page has been added to the Customizer (“Vikinger Settings” -> “Stream”) that allows to configure the new stream profile page, widget, account hub page and related functionalities. The following options have been added:
    • Stream Profile – Status: you can choose to enable or disable Twitch profile functionality (disabling this will remove the profile activity widget, profile activity page and account hub settings page).
    • Twitch Embeds – Parent Domain: In order to be able to use the Twitch Embedded Player (display twitch videos on any part of the site), Twitch requires that your site has a valid SSL certificate (HTTPS site) and that you specify the parent domain/s where the videos will be embedded (i.e.: “”). Please enter your site domain/s in this option, you can enter multiple by separating them with a comma (,). You can check the requirements on this official Twitch post.
  • When the “Stream Profile – Status” option is enabled, users will be able to display any Twitch stream in their profile by entering the respective Twitch channel username in the account hub “Stream” settings page. A new widget (“Stream Box”) will display on each user timeline that will display that stream and a new profile page (stream) will show a larger version of the embedded player.
  • Please remember to correctly configure the “Twitch Embeds – Parent Domain” and to have a valid SSL certificate on your site (HTTPS site), these are Twitch requirements and the player won’t function correctly if you don’t follow them.
  • You can check this official Twitch post for more details.

Advanced Ads

  • Added partial support (some options and conditions are not supported) for the Advanced Ads plugin.

Advanced Ads Pro (Pro Addon – Not Included)

  • Added partial support (some options and conditions are not supported) for the Advanced Ads Pro plugin.

AUG 14, 2021



  • Fixed several warnings and errors that would occur when different plugin combinations where active.
  • Any combination of supported / included plugins can now be used (as long as the plugins they depend on are installed and active, i.e. “Verified Member for BuddyPress” won’t work if “BuddyPress” is not installed and active).
  • Fixed the “Login Page – Text” content being double filtered, which prevented the use of <br> tags in its content.


  • The header search dropdown is now hidden on mobile and a new icon has been added (magnifying glass) that users can click to display it.
  • The header now displays icon links for notifications, messages and the WooCommerce cart on mobile (if the WooCommerce plugin is active). These allow users to quickly visualize if they have new notifications, messages or items in the cart while browsing the site on mobile resolutions.


  • Replaced the comments “submit on enter” functionality with a “Post” button on mobile resolutions, allowing the use of the “Enter” key to add new lines.


  • Limited the amount of achievement and rank earners that display on badges, quests and ranks widgets.

GamiPress – bbPress Integration

  • Added styles for point type display in author blocks.


  • The dashboard page has been removed from the menu items and has been replaced with the orders page as the my-account root page.

Force Login

  • The force login theme feature has been improved by replacing the page redirect and page exceptions options with URLs. This gives site admins more control over which pages can be made accessible when the Force Login option is enabled.
  • WordPress register page and BuddyPress register and activation pages are now always accessible, even when the force login option is enabled. If you use the Paid Memberships Pro plugin memberships page as register page instead, please remember to add it as an exception to allow users to access it.

Social Networks

  • More social networks have been made available to add for members, groups and the footer of the site. The following social networks have been added:
  • Members and Groups:
    • Unsplash
    • Flickr
  • Footer:
    • Spotify
    • Discord

Paid Memberships Pro

  • Added support for the Paid Memberships Pro plugin.
  • Site admins can now require their users to have a certain membership to be able to access or engage with restricted content, like posts, pages, etc.

Paid Memberships Pro – bbPress Add On

Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress Add On

  • Added support for the Paid Memberships Pro – BuddyPress Add On plugin.
  • Site admins can now require their users to have a certain membership to be able to access or engage with certain BuddyPress content and functionality.

JUL 31, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused the member posts page blog to not display.

JUL 24, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error in the single template when the GamiPress plugin wasn’t active.
  • Fixed the cursor showing as a pointer on images that belong to a shared post.
  • Fixed overflowing title and text on member and group widgets.
  • Replaced the new font added by WordPress on their latest update to the login page password field with the theme primary font.
  • Fixed unrecognized notifications being displayed in the header notifications dropdown and notification account hub page.

Color Presets

  • Added site overlay color to the available colors (overlay that displays when opening the mobile sidemenu, popups, etc).

Filter Lists

  • When changing pages on filter lists (member, group and post lists), the user is now scrolled to the top of the list.

Header Search

  • The search dropdown right side icons for blog posts now display differently according to the corresponding post format.
  • The search dropdown right side icons for groups now indicate if the corresponding group is public or private.
  • The search dropdown placeholder text is no longer automatically generated and is now available for translation in the “vikinger.pot” file.


  • Any post type can now be displayed in the site blog page, search page and header search dropdown.
  • Post lists can now be split, allowing to display one list per post type in the site blog page, search page and header search dropdown.
  • A post type filter can now be added to posts lists when displaying more than one post type and not using the post type split option.
  • Several options where added to the WordPress “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Blog” section that allow the control of these new features:
    • Post Types – Display in Blog: You can enter the post types allowed for display in the site blog. Enter each post type you want to display separated by a comma (,).
    • Post Types – Display in Search: You can enter the post types allowed for display in the site search. Enter each post type you want to display separated by a comma (,).
    • Post Types – Split Display: If enabled, one post list will be displayed for each post type.
    • Post Types – Filter Display: If enabled, users will be able to filter posts lists by post type when “Post Type – Split Display” is disabled.


  • Improved fetching of pinned activities, removing the “double” load on feeds and reducing loading times.
  • Line breaks are now displayed in activities text.
  • A “Line Break Limit” option has been added to the Customizer -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Newsfeed” that allows to control the amount of consecutive line breaks that users can input in activities and comments.
  • Site administrators can now delete any activity and comment (even the ones they aren’t the author of) from the frontend by using the “three dots” dropdown settings menu.
  • Group administrators and moderators can now delete comments from any activity that belongs to the group from the frontend by using the “three dots” dropdown settings menu.

Activity and Comment Edit

  • Users can now edit the text of activities (regular status updates and shares only) and comments from the frontend by using the “three dots” dropdown settings menu.
  • A new message has been added to activity templates that displays when an activity has been edited to inform of this along with the user that made the last edit.
  • A “Edit Time Limit” option has been added to the Customizer -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Newsfeed” that allows to set the time (in minutes) in which a user is able to edit an activity or comment since he created it (if set to 0, users won’t be able to edit activities or comments after they create them). This setting doesn’t apply for site admins, group admins and mods.
  • Site administrators can edit any activity and comment (even the ones they aren’t the author of) from the frontend by using the “three dots” dropdown settings menu.
  • Group administrators and moderators can edit any activity and comment that belongs to the group from the frontend by using the “three dots” dropdown settings menu.


  • Browserify require was replaced with ES imports for the main application (app.js).


  • React main application code (app.js) has been refactored and improved.
  • All components have been transformed from class to functional with the use of the new Hooks functionality introduced in React v16.8.0.
  • This allowed the introduction of several additional performance improvements.

JUN 23, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused all the post format elements to display at the same time when creating/editing a post. Please update the “Vikinger Metaboxes” plugin to the latest version by using the theme installer in order to get this fix.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Twitch footer icon to not change color when hovering over it.

Security Improvements

  • Introduced a number of security checks and improvements on AJAX endpoints.
  • AJAX endpoints are no longer loaded when the plugin that is required to use them is not installed and active.
  • AJAX endpoints that are used on the backend now are only loaded and available when in the WordPress backend.


  • The migration period for the Elementor Register/Login Widget and landing page that were discontinued on our previous update (v1.6.3) has ended. With this update, the Register/Login Widget functionality and related AJAX endpoints have been removed.

Header Search Improvements

  • Fixed an issue that caused the search to look for matches belonging to disabled features via the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Search”.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the search to crash when quickly entering a lot of characters into the search input.
  • Improved the search performance and behaviour by adding a delay on input search to wait for the user to stop typing before starting a search and canceling previous queried searchs.

Blog Improvements

  • Blog “/category” and “/tag” pages now display posts using logged user last selected grid type.

BuddyPress Integration Improvements

  • Removed “Request Membership” menu that displayed on groups navigation items in BuddyPress version 8.0.0.

Activity Improvements

  • Fixed Twitch links being processed for embed on activity posts.

Verified Member for BuddyPress Integration Improvements

  • Added compatibility for the new “Verified Roles” feature, verified badges will now display correctly on users that match the selected roles.

GamiPress Integration Improvements

  • Added missing point award limit strings to the vikinger.pot file.

WooCommerce Integration Improvements

  • Added support for the WooCommerce “shop” sidebar. Users can add widgets to the sidebar from the WordPress backend “Appearance” -> “Widgets” -> “(Vikinger) WooCommerce Shop Sidebar” or via the “Customizer” -> “Widgets” when on a page that can display the sidebar.

Social Networks

  • Additional social networks can now be displayed on the footer of the site and can be added via the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Footer” settings page.
  • Additional social networks links can now be assigned to groups via the account hub “Manage Groups” settings page (“Manage Group” -> “Social Networks”).
  • The following social networks have been added:
    • Linkedin
    • Pinterest
    • Tik Tok
    • Github
    • Reddit
    • Dribbble

MAY 27, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused menu items to not open a page in a new tab when “Open link in a new tab” was selected in the respective “Appearance” -> “Menus” menu item.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the label in the reset password page to display on top of the input content.

New Features

  • Added an option that allows users to select which page the user is redirected to when they login to the site (“Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Login – Register” -> “Login – Redirect Page”).
  • Added an option that allows users to select pages to be made accessible even when the force login option is enabled (“Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Login – Register” -> “Force Login – Exceptions”).

New Elementor Pages

We are discontinuing the old Elementor landing and it’s login/register box widget and adding two new pages (new landing and testimonials page). We recommend always using these new pages together with the WordPress login and BuddyPress register and activate pages as it provides more security and options for both the login process, with the forgot password functionality, and the register process, which requires account activation via a key that is sent to the registering user email.

As per customer’s requests, we created new Elementor pages, one landing and one “inner” page (Testimonials), where, even if you have the option to force people to login enabled, you’ll be able to show these pages to them as some sort of “introduction” using the new “Force Login – Exceptions” customizer option. Something similar to what Discord has, where they have a landing, and then they have a button at the top for people to “enter” the app (in this case it would be to enter the community).

MAY 17, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused the badge images to shrink if there where many badges in the member preview list type widgets.

New Features

  • Quests and Badges widgets, profile navigation items and profile pages will no longer display (instead of displaying and reporting that no quests or badges where found) if the respective GamiPress achievement type doesn’t exist.
  • Social network links now open a new tab by default.
  • Side menu status is now saved for logged users, remaining open or closed according to latest user selection.
  • The loading screen logo can now be uploaded separately from the site identity logo in the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Loading Screen” section.
  • Removed the loading screen logo background, allowing users to not be restricted by its container dimensions.
  • Group profile navigation now displays navigation items added by other plugins.
  • Added a “Getting Started” section to the theme backend.

APRIL 26, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused the header search bar input height to be smaller in WooCommerce pages on mobile resolutions.

Plugin Integrations

GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Gateway

Use GamiPress points types as a payment gateway for WooCommerce.

You can find more information here: GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Gateway.

GamiPress – WooCommerce Discounts

Award discounts for achievement completion on WooCommerce.

You can find more information here: GamiPress – WooCommerce Discounts

GamiPress – WooCommerce Partial Payments

Let users partially pay a WooCommerce purchase by using points.

You can find more information here: GamiPress – WooCommerce Partial Payments

APRIL 23, 2021



  • Fixed the last item in the account hub navigation sidebar not having a round border.
  • When the “Force Login” option is enabled, the “Go to your site” link will no longer display on the login page.

New Features

  • Added the WooCommerce plugin to the theme setup installer.
  • Added new presets which require the WooCommerce plugin to the theme setup installer:
    • Community + Shop
    • Community + Gamification + Shop
    • Community + Forum + Shop
    • Community + Gamification + Forum + Shop
  • Added new section header options in the Customizer for WooCommerce page headers.
  • Added the “Shop” Side Menu link to the “Menus” demo import option.
  • Added more entries to the theme Troubleshooting section.

WooCommerce Integration

Added support for the WooCommerce plugin. Users can now use WooCommerce with the theme to manage a shop.

WooCommerce “my-account” pages have been moved and can be accessed from a new “Shop” section that has been added to the user settings “Account Hub” page. This page has links to WooCommerce features like orders the user has made, downloads for purchased digital items, manage billing and shipping addresses and account details.

A mini cart has been added to the header, which allows users quick access to view and remove items from their cart from any page of the site. We also added a visual indicator to the mini cart that allows users to quickly see if the cart is empty or has items in it.

APRIL 19, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that would cause the activity feed to crash when a certain user data inconsistency was found.

New Features

  • Added styles for the extra fields added to the BuddyPress register page via the “Account_Info” profile field group. Support for the following field types has been added:
    • Text Box
    • Number
    • Date Selector
    • Multi-line Text Area
    • Radio Buttons
    • Checkboxes
    • Drop Down Select Box
  • Registration page fields are now separated between account and profile details fields.
  • Improved the header profile settings dropdown navigation (cog wheel). It now features more space for the welcome message and username and each of the navigation sections.

MARCH 31, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that would make a white space to show on a user profile “About Me” widget if the user didn’t fill the About field in their Profile Info settings page.
  • Fixed an issue that would make long text overflow in the “About Me” and “Group Info” widgets.
  • Fixed an issue that would make the bottom of the comment forms not have a rounded border when there weren’t any comments.
  • The group “Created” date in the group profile “Group Info” widget is now displayed localized and with the format selected on the WordPress backend “Settings” -> “General” -> “Date Format” setting.
  • The group “Type” text in the group profile “Group Info” widget is now translated correctly.
  • The “Day”, “Month” and “Year” text in datebox profile fields are now translated correctly.

New Features

  • Added new customizer options to allow to disable photo and video upload related features (“Vikinger Settings” -> “Media” -> Photo Upload – Status” and “Vikinger Settings” -> “Media” -> “Video Upload – Status”).
  • User profile navigation now displays navigation items added by other plugins.
  • User profile navigation now supports the display of navigation sub items added by other plugins.
  • Improved styling of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons profile fields types.
  • Added an option in the customizer “Vikinger Settings” -> “Footer” -> “Navigation – Mobile Status”, which allows users to choose if they want to display or hide the footer navigation on mobile.
  • Updated the backend FAQs section.
  • Added a backend Troubleshooting section.

BuddyPress Integration Improvements

  • Members can now delete their uploaded avatar and cover images from the profile info settings screen by using the new action buttons on the avatar and cover image previews and saving their changes.
  • When a member uploads an avatar, an activity is now generated informing of this profile update.
  • When a member creates a group, an activity is now generated informing of this.
  • When a member is promoted to be a mod of a group, a notification is now generated informing them of this.
  • When a member is promoted to be an admin of a group, a notification is now generated informing them of this.

GamiPress Integration Improvements

  • Achievement, Rank and Point activities are now displayed on activity lists if enabled on the GamiPress options.
  • Individual Achievement and Rank pages linked through the new supported activities are now enabled and display information about the respective achievement or rank.
  • BuddyPress actions for the following triggers have been revised and are now called appropriately when the respective action is complete:
    • Change profile avatar
    • Change cover image
    • Update profile information
    • Promoted to group moderator/administrator
    • Promote another group member to moderator/administrator

Theme Setup Improvements

The theme plugin installer now allows for customized or preset installs. This allows users to keep their plugins up to date by using the theme installer even if they don’t want to use a particular plugin, avoiding to have a plugin forcefully installed and having to uninstall it when updating core theme plugins.

Custom preset allows you to manually select which plugins you want to install and saves your configuration, while other presets feature preconfigured plugin combinations that automatically select the required plugins for each particular preset.

The last selected preset is saved and used by default when opening the setup page.

The following presets are now available:

  • Custom
  • Community
  • Community + Gamification
  • Community + Forum
  • Community + Gamification + Forum

Added the following plugins to the theme installer:

  • Verified Member for BuddyPress
  • BP Better Messages
  • GamiPress – bbPress Integration

The theme plugin installer doesn’t uninstall or deactivate any plugins, so if you want to change from a preset that has more plugins to one that has fewer, you will need to manually deactivate or uninstall any plugins that you don’t want to use.

Child Theme Improvements

Added the “languages/” directory and enabled the loading of the child theme translation files on its “functions.php” file. You can now put your translation files on the child theme “languages/” directory, without having to make any changes to the “functions.php” file, and they will be loaded before the parent theme ones (you need to be using the child theme for this to work, this means you need to have it installed and active in your WordPress backend -> “Appearance” menu).

Most parent theme functions can now be overriten in the child theme (i.e. including a function with the same name on the child theme “functions.php” file, either directly or by using the same file structure as the parent, we recommend this second approach), allowing for easier customization of the parent theme functionality on the child theme. To make sure if you can override a parent theme function, please check if it has the function_exists() condition before its declaration.

MARCH 22, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that would ocurr on the profile info settings screen if a datebox profile field didn’t have an absolute or relative range type set.

MARCH 15, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that allowed the user to submit an activity with no text or media if the user clicked on the “Add Photo” button but didn’t yet add any photos.

New Features

  • Added support for relative ranges in “Date Selector” profile fields.

Videos Uploader

Users can now upload videos and post them on activity status updates.

A new “Videos” page has been added to the members and groups profile pages to display the videos that the user has uploaded to his profile and group members have uploaded to the group. From the “Videos” page, users can upload and delete videos that they have uploaded through status updates or direct upload through this page.

A new customizer section named “Media” has been added (“Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Media”) that allow users to change media (photo and video) related settings.

The following “Photo” related options had been added to this new customizer section.

  • Photo Upload – Maximum Size in MB: with this option, you can set the maximum size allowed for photos that users upload to the server. If a photo the user tries to upload has a size that is bigger than the one you choose here, then the user will be notified of this and he won’t be able to upload it. You can’t set this size to be higher than your server maximum upload file size.
  • Photo Upload – Allowed Extensions: with this option, you can set the file extensions allowed when a user uploads a photo. If a photo the user tries to upload has an extension that is not allowed, then the user will be notified of this and he won’t be able to upload it.

The following “Video” related options had been added to this new customizer section.

  • Video Upload – Maximum Size in MB: with this option, you can set the maximum size allowed for videos that users upload to the server. If a video the user tries to upload has a size that is bigger than the one you choose here, then the user will be notified of this and he won’t be able to upload it. You can’t set this size to be higher than your server maximum upload file size.
  • Video Upload – Allowed Extensions: with this option, you can set the file extensions allowed when a user uploads a video. If a video the user tries to upload has an extension that is not allowed, then the user will be notified of this and he won’t be able to upload it.

Activity Improvements

  • When deleting an activity, all photos and videos associated to it are now deleted.
  • When deleting photos or videos from user/groups photos or videos pages, the associated activity will be deleted if all videos/photos included in that activity where deleted. For example: a user creates a status update on his profile with 2 photos, if he deletes those 2 photos from the user photos page, then the status update will also be deleted. If the user only deletes 1 of the 2 photos, then the status update will remain and only show the photo that wasn’t deleted.
  • Added two new filters in activity feeds: Photos and Videos. The Media filter is still available and can be used to show both Photos and Videos types of activities.
  • Activity status updates now detail if they belong to a photo or video update instead of the previous generic “posted an update”.

MARCH 10, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused selected grid type by logged out users to try to be saved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a white space to display before media in activities that had no text.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Elementor landing template from loading.

MARCH 09, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicated user and group information to display on group forum topics and replies activities.

New Features

  • Selected grid types for blog post, member and group lists are now saved for logged users. This means that the next time they browse to a page with the same type of list (member, group or post), the last grid type that the user selected will be automatically used for the list display.

Search Improvements

We introduced a new section called “Search” (in “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings”) to allow search related customization.

Users can now choose to hide the header search input by using the “Display / Hide” option.

We also added options that allow the user to select which components are included in search results, both on the search main page as well as the header search dropdown.

The available options are:

  • Show blog posts in search
  • Show members in search
  • Show groups in search

Any combination of blog posts, members and groups can be selected to be included in search results (i.e. only blog posts, blog posts and members, members and groups, etc).

User Avatar Improvements

We introduced a new section called “Avatar” (in “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings”) to allow avatar related customization.

The new “Avatar Type” option can be found here from where you can select the following options:

  • Hexagon
  • Circle
  • Square

The type selected will be used for the display of all avatars throughout the site.

Also, user avatars no longer show rank related progress bar and badges when the GamiPress plugin is not installed and active.

MARCH 04, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that caused the forum description notice to try to get the last author information even when the forum had no content.
  • Fixed post comment list showing a loading indicator even when the post had 0 comments.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the comment list to wrongly report that more comments where available to show after creating a new comment.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the reply button to show on comments when the “Allow Comments” option was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the light/dark mode toggle to not refresh the page under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue that caused duplicated characters to appear on some inputs when using certain languages.

New Features

  • Added a different background color to forum and topic even rows to improve visual separation between them.
  • Pages with “Allow Comments” option disabled now hide all comment related elements instead of only disabling the comment form.

bbPress Group Forums

Users can now create a forum for their group by using the frontend “Manage Groups” settings screen.

If the bbPress settings option “Allow BuddyPress Groups to have their own forums” is active, then a new “Forum” tab will be added to the group manage popup for group admins. You can also select a forum or category to be used to contain all group forums from this settings screen by using the bbPress “Primary Forum” option.

From the group manage popup “Forum” tab, the “Enable forum for this group” option can be activated to create a forum for the group which will be available both on the forum page and as a new link on the group page navigation bar.

The group name, description and status will be used by default for the group forum, however users can choose to change the title, description and status of the forum (the group avatar image will be used as the forum image).

After enabling forum for the group, group admins can delete the forum and all its content just by disabling the same option (“Enable forum for this group”) and by clicking on “Save Changes”.

FEBRUARY 26, 2021



  • Fixed comment timestamp displaying with an offset for logged out users.
  • Fixed some cases where the side menu item for the current page wouldn’t be marked as active.

New Features

  • Improved visibility of the activity and comment settings dropdown icon.

Demo Import

We created a demo content import tool to allow users to easily replicate the content from the demo into their theme. This tool can be used any number of times and also includes the ability to reset (delete) the imported data. If you want to remove data created by the importer, please use this option.

The importer can be used from the new backend theme “Demo Import” menu. Users are not forced to import all demo content data and can select what they want to import.

We created a new tutorial video which includes the full theme install and setup process, including the use of this new demo import tool. We also updated the theme documentation to include a new “Demo Import” section.

FEBRUARY 19, 2021



  • The “Add New” button of the Groups backend menu now correctly sends the user to their “Manage Groups” settings screen.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when a duplicate comment was created on a blog post.

New Features

  • The “Light” and “Dark” Color Switch now clears user meta cache to force getting and displaying the user selected theme when switching.
  • The “Account Settings” section has been added to the users Account menu. From here, users can use the “Delete Account” button to delete their account from the site. Site admins can choose to enable or disable allowing registered members to delete their own accounts by using the BuddyPress backend settings option: “Settings” -> “BuddyPress” -> “Options” -> “Account Deletion”.
  • Updated the “Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension” plugin to include the new delete account related “Account Settings” menu. Please update the plugin using the theme installer.
  • Introduced newsfeed related performance optimizations.

Activity Improvements

Users can now delete their activity and blog comments. A new actions dropdown has been added next to the “Reply” button with the option “Delete Comment” to comments owned by the logged in user.

A new grayscale fade visual effect has been added on activity and comment deletion confirmation that indicates that the activity or comments are being deleted.

Activity Feed Settings

Several new options have been added to the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Newsfeed” section which allow users more control over activity feed related settings.

  • Activity – Show More Status: by enabling this option, a “Show More” button will appear on activities that have a large height.
  • Activity – Show More Height: you can control the maximum height that the feed activities can have. If an activity has a height that is greater than this value, then the remaining content will be hidden and a “Show More” button will be created to allow users to display the remaining activity content.
  • Activity – Character Limit: you can control the maximum number of characters that users can put into an activity.
  • Activity – Comment Character Limit: you can control the maximum number of characters that users can put into an activity comment (this limit also applies for blog post comments).

Members Settings

Several new options have been added to the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Members” section which allow users more control over members related settings.

From this section, you can now enable or disable member profile pages added by the theme. This will allow you to easily disable a member profile page and associated navigation item if you don’t want to use it (like the profile blog page).

You can also choose the order in which enabled pages are displayed in the profile navigation bar (lower numbered pages will display before higher numbered ones), allowing you to display the pages you think are more important or should be easier to access first in the navigation bar.

BP Better Messages Integration

Modified the BP Better Messages plugin elements styles so that they use theme preset colors and made several adjustments to each element to make its styles integrate better with the theme.

FEBRUARY 12, 2021



  • Fixed the membership requests settings screen page title using the received invitations screen title.
  • Fixed an issue which would prevent received membership requests from being displayed on the user “Membership Requests” settings page.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause some BuddyPress Private Messaging module related features to show when the “Private Messaging” module was deactivated on the BuddyPress Settings Page.
  • Dates in the user profile about widgets are now displayed localized and with the format selected on the WordPress backend “Settings” -> “General” -> “Date Format” setting.

New Features

  • Added a new Customizer option that allows limiting YouTube embed video playbacks on the newsfeed. The option can be found on “Vikinger Settings” -> “Newsfeed” -> “Limit YouTube Playback”. You can use this option to limit YouTube embedded video playbacks on the newsfeed of the site. If you select “Yes”, only one YouTube video will be played at a time, this means that, if a user is playing a video and chooses to play another one, then the previous video will be paused. The YouTube Player API is used to achieve this behaviour.
  • Introduced several performance improvements and optimizations.

FEBRUARY 03, 2021



  • Fixed the header showing the cogwheel dropdown on lower resolutions when the same information was available on the mobile menu.
  • Fixed the username (mention name) of the post author (in post version 3) being centered instead of aligned to the left.
  • Fixed the “locked” and “unlocked!” achievement progress bar text not being translatable.
  • Fixed “Archive” pages showing the page headers when the option to hide them was selected on the Customizer.

New Features

  • Replaced “Messages” string with “Inbox” on the header messages dropdown to avoid confusion regarding the previewed content.

Color Theme Switch

You can now choose to enable a color theme switch via the “Customizer” -> “Vikinger Settings” -> “Color Presets” menu.

If enabled, your site logged in users will be able to change between a “Light” and “Dark” theme while browsing the site by using a sun / moon button that is added on the header on desktop and on the header menu on mobile.

From the same Customizer section you can set which of the existing color presets you want to assign when the “Light” or “Dark” theme modes are activated. For example, you can choose to use the “Custom” color preset for the “Light” theme mode, and the “Carbon Yellow” color preset for the “Dark” theme mode.

You can also set the default theme mode (“Light” or “Dark”) that is used when the color theme switch is active.

When the color theme switch is disabled, the theme will use the color preset that you assign in the “Color Preset” option.

BP Better Messages Compatibility

The theme is now compatible with the BP Better Messages plugin.

This means that, when the plugin is installed and active, it will replace the Messages profile setting screen with the one provided by the plugin. Also, when clicking on a message from the header messages dropdown, it will correctly open and display that message on the settings screen.

Verified Member for BuddyPress Integration

Added support for the “Verified Member for BuddyPress” plugin.

All member related widgets now support the display of the “verified” badge next to the user fullname or username (mention name) according to the setting the user has selected on the plugin (“Settings” -> “BuddyPress” -> “Verified Member”).

JANUARY 26, 2021



  • Fixed an issue that would cause group slugs to display incorrect characters when using certain languages.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the group manage popup to infinite load after submitting the creation of a new group.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the activity feed to stop working when an activity or post that was shared was deleted and added a message which informs the user that the shared content was deleted.
  • Fixed group status dropdown text not being translated correctly in the group management popup.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the notifications bar to stop working when a user had a message from a deleted user in their inbox.

New Features

  • BuddyPress Profile Fields that are empty will no longer display in the About, Personal Information and Personal Interests widgets, when they would previously display with a “-” as value.
  • The slug option has been removed from the group creation and manage screens based on user feedback.
  • Added a smooth scrolling effect when navigating to page anchors.
  • Navigating to page anchors now takes into account the floating header height, which prevents the top part of the anchored content from being covered by the header.

bbPress Integration

Added support for bbPress forums. Users can now use bbPress with the theme to create and manage forums.

We also added support for forum images, this allows users to associate an image to a forum in the backend, this image will be displayed next to the forum information on the frontend and make it easier to visually identify forum content.

A new navigation item has been added to user profiles called “Forum”, this new page has information about the forum activity of a particular user (created topics and replies, engagements and favorites). Logged in users can also view their forum and topic subscriptions from this page.

bbPress generated notifications will now show in the user notifications settings screen and the notifications header bar dropdown. These notifications include useful information and links to forum content.

bbPress generated activities will now show on activity feeds and we have added 2 new “Show” filters for them on the activity feed filters bar (“Forum Topics” and “Forum Replies”).

Group Forums are not yet supported and will be added on a future update.

We highly recommend checking out the new tutorial videos we have released, which explain how to install the update and create a link to your new forums as well as show a forum creation example.

FAQs and Support

We’ve updated the “FAQs” section with answers to the most frequently asked questions our support team has been receiving and we also updated the “Support” section with a more detailed explanation of what the theme Support includes according to Envato’s Support Policy as well as third party sources that offer Customization Services for users that want to customize their theme.

DECEMBER 5, 2020



  • Fixed the group profile avatar hexagon showing incorrect color on mobile resolutions.
  • Fixed Radio Buttons and Checkboxes profile field types displaying too close to each other if there were too many of them on mobile resolutions.
  • Fixed some section banners still showing after selecting to hide all page headers from the Customizer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the members profile photos page header to not have the correct spacing.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause activities from previous filters to show on the activities feed when quickly changing between different filters.
  • Fixed chat messages not being marked as read when accessing them directly by using the header message notifications dropdown.

New Features

  • Group invitation notifications now have a link to the user “Received Group Invitations” settings page.
  • Added a new notification for private group membership requests sent.
  • Added a new notification for private group membership request rejections.
  • Updated the “Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension” plugin to include the new private groups related “Membership Requests” menu. Please update the plugin using the theme installer.
  • Added a new field in the group creation and manage popups that allows the user to select the status of the group (public, private).
  • Added a tag sticker that shows the group status on each group box in the manage groups settings screen to help the user know the status of a group without having to open its management popup.
  • Added a tag sticker that shows the group status in the group management popup.
  • Added a tag sticker that shows the group status on the activity feed and profile group widgets.
  • Added information that indicates the amount of admins, mods, members and banned members the group has in the manage group members tab.
  • Removed activity post form from all member profiles except own user profile based on user feedback, as it led to confusion.
  • Removed unused privacy dropdown from activity post forms.

Private Groups

Added support for BuddyPress private groups. Users can now create private groups which content can only be seen by members of the group.

Private groups have a “Request Membership” button instead of the “Join Group” button that the public groups have. To join a private group, a user has to send a membership request and needs the approval of a member of that group. The membership request can also be canceled by the initiating user or rejected by any member of the private group.

Both membership requests and rejections now feature a specific notification message which links to the new group membership requests settings page. This new page allows to manage membership requests sent to a group and received by any private group the user is a member of.

Existing public groups can be converted to private groups by editing them from the “Manage Groups” settings page, the group manage popup will now have the option to select group status via a dropdown.

Activity Feed Improvements

We introduced several improvements related to the activity feed, including activity preloading and removing the need for the feed to reload when adding a new post.

The new activity preloading allows for activities to load faster after the initial load, activities are loaded in the background while browsing and displayed when the user scrolls to view more.

Removing activity list reload when updating the feed to show new posts allows for activity shares to be displayed dynamically when previously a page reload was needed as to not break the flow when the user scrolled and wanted to share something but continue browsing afterwards without having the feed reload. Regular activity posts also benefit from this new behaviour, they will display dynamically and faster after submitting them.

We also introduced some improvements to the Pin activity functionality, pinned activities are now visible to all users instead of only to the user that made the pin, this allows for the pin functionality to not only be used personally but to highlight a post in a user profile for others to see. Also, users can now only pin an activity in their profile feed page, removing the option incorrectly showing on the main activity feed and other profile activity feeds.

NOVEMBER 28, 2020



  • Fixed the “No badges unlocked text” incorrectly showing on the Elementor login register widget when the GamiPress plugin was not active.
  • Fixed an issue that caused text to not wrap correctly on some element boxes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused users to show in the ranks page when their account was not activated.
  • Fixed incorrect color being used for the header progress bar underline in the dark purple preset.
  • Fixed incorrect color being used for the avatar rank hexagon in the carbon yellow preset.

New Features

  • Deleting a user will now remove its uploads directory at wp-content/uploads/vikinger/member/member_id, deleting all media uploaded by the user from the server.
  • Deleting a group will now remove its uploads directory at wp-content/uploads/vikinger/group/group_id, deleting all media uploaded to the group from the server.
  • Added support for BuddyPress notification email settings, this will allow users to opt-out of receiving emails when each action occurs, for example when the user is mentioned in a post. The new settings page can be found under “Account” with the name “Email Settings”.
  • Updated the “Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension” plugin to include the new “Email Settings” menu. Please update the plugin using the theme installer.
  • Removed Mentions, Favorites, Friends and Groups tab filters from the main activity feed for logged out users.
  • Added an option in the Customizer that allows to display or hide all page banners from the theme pages. This new option is available in the Vikinger Settings -> Page Headers section.

NOVEMBER 21, 2020



  • Fixed background of activity comment replies not using correct color.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause long strings of text to not wrap correctly on activity posts and comments.
  • Fixed positioning of the header side menu trigger and menu.

New Features

  • Added missing group related translation strings.
  • Added link to homepage to both the header logo and title.

Color Presets

The new “Color Presets” option allows users to quickly change between several different presets to easily change the look and feel of their site. There is also a “Custom” preset available that uses all colors you have defined for your theme on previous versions, so you can keep your previously defined color configuration!.

There are a total of 7 presets:

  • Custom.
  • Light.
  • Dark.
  • Dark Blue.
  • Dark Purple.
  • Dark Cyan.
  • Carbon Yellow.

Each preset has its own default colors that give a unique look to the site and each preset colors are completely customizable through the Customizer, so you can use the presets as a base and change only some of its colors if you like to do so.

The new Customizer sections that allow preset and colors customizations are:

  • Vikinger Settings -> Color Presets.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Custom Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Light Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Dark Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Dark Blue Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Dark Purple Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Dark Cyan Preset.
  • Vikinger Settings -> Colors – Carbon Yellow Preset.

Login and Register

The login and register process has been revised and improved. The default WordPress login page has been completely styled to match the theme look with a customizable background image, text (can be set to an empty string if you don’t want to display text over the background image), logo and colors while preserving its default functionality. You can now use this page to allow users to log in to your site or use the forgot password WordPress functionality.

The BuddyPress register and activate pages have been enabled and styled to match the theme look while also removing the header, side menu and footer to adjust it’s look to match the new login page. These pages use the same customizable background image, text, logo and colors as the login page. You can now use them to allow your users to register to your page and require them to activate their account before they can login.

The header of the theme now includes a Login button instead of the login form, that will send users to the new login page and the mobile bottom bar that allowed register and login has been moved inside the mobile menu to free screen space when browsing the site on lower resolution screens.

We highly recommend using this new login, register and activation process as it provides more security and options for both the login process, with the forgot password functionality, and the register process, which requires account activation via a key that is sent to the registering user email.

The Elementor landing page can still be used but the login and register Elementor Widget form won’t provide these functions, we recommend removing the widget using the Elementor editor and using the page as a regular landing page to display any sections you like your site visitors to see!.

It’s now also possible to restrict access to the site if the user isn’t logged in, this feature is disabled by default and can be enabled from the Customizer. If enabled, logged out users will be redirected to the login page if they try to access any page of the theme except the login, register and activate pages.

The new Customizer section which allows login and register page customization is:

  • Vikinger Settings -> Login – Register.

NOVEMBER 17, 2020



  • Fixed an issue that prevented the registration form and popups from being visible on multisite installations.
  • Fixed header inputs, rank and points text not using the “Header Text – Color” customizer setting.

New Features

  • Added “Header Mobile Menu Trigger Icon – Color” to the available colors in the Customizer. This setting controls the mobile menu trigger icon color.

NOVEMBER 13, 2020



  • Fixed a number of styling issues on 720p and below resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue with the send message link on the friendship activity that is generated when a friendship is created.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented friendships to be working correctly on WordPress Multisite installations.
  • Fixed header menu sub items arrow not using hover color.

New Features

  • Added a child theme, check this link for information about what a WordPress child theme is. The child theme is called “vikinger-child” and can be found in the Theme/ directory of the package.
  • Added a Customizer section called “Admin Bar” and an option “Display / Hide” that allows the user to hide the WordPress admin bar (top bar) for all logged in users (except admins). This doesn’t affect BuddyPress toolbar for logged out users, to hide the bar for logged out users, deactivate BuddyPress Toolbar setting in the Settings -> BuddyPress -> Options tab.
  • Improved chat widget loading in the profile settings messages page, now the loading indicator doesn’t disappear before the messages widget finishes loading.
  • Clicking on a message on the header messages dropdown now opens that message thread automatically on the profile settings messages screen.
  • Notifications in the header notifications dropdown and the profile settings notifications page now have more functional links, like a link to the user that triggered the notification and the action related to that notification. For example, the “sent you a message” notification now links to that message thread, the “sent you a friend request” now links to the friend requests page, etc.
  • Added more entries to the theme FAQs and updated old entries to reflect new features.
  • Added support for the “Settings” -> “Reading” -> “Blog pages show at most” WordPress option, the blog posts list will now limit the posts per page shown according to this setting.
  • Added support for the “Settings” -> “BuddyPress” -> “Options” -> “Group Creation” BuddyPress option, this allows users to enable or disable group creation for all users.
  • Added “Header Profile Settings Icon – Color” to the available colors in the Customizer. This setting controls the cog icon color on the right part of the header.
  • Added “Header Text – Color” to the available colors in the Customizer. This setting controls the header site title, menu text and submenu arrows color.

NOVEMBER 7, 2020



  • Fixed user avatar list overflowing on the achievement widgets when many users where displayed.
  • Fixed a mobile style issue which showed the decorative icons from the credit award and deduct boxes not centered and out of their respective boxes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause some images in the user profile timeline photos widget to not display.
  • Fixed group member preview list overlay not using customizer secondary color.
  • Moved header register button closer to the login form.

New Features

  • Released a new version of the Vikinger – BuddyPress Extension plugin that adds translatable strings for the wordpress admin bar top right profile related menus. Please update the plugin to the latest version using the theme installer.
  • Added group navigation missing translatable strings.
  • Added error/notice messages to the activity form to allow the user to know the reason a post doesn’t submit (i.e. when clicking post without entering text or adding an image).
  • Made it possible to post activity status updates with only images (no text).
  • Added a new header version with only logo, a new option has been added to the customizer Site Identity section so users can select which header version they want to use.
  • Added a new customizer color option in the Vikinger Settings – Colors section to allow users to customize the header logo background color for the new header version (you can set this to the same color as the header to make it invisible).
  • Added a new customizer option in the Footer section to allow users to hide the footer of the site.
  • Added a new section to the customizer called Side Menu, added an option in this new section that allows users to hide the side menu. Hiding the side menu will also hide the side menu trigger that appears on the header of the site.
  • Customizer changes made by this update:
    • Added Display Logo and Site Title / Display Logo option in the Site Identity section.
    • Added Header Logo – Background option in the Vikinger Settings – Colors section.
    • Added Vikinger Settings – Side Menu section.
    • Added Display / Hide option in the Vikinger Settings – Side Menu section.
    • Added Display / Hide option in the Vikinger Settings – Footer section.
  • Added FAQs section on the theme options.
  • Added icons and colors for the following social networks in member profile fields (the name for the profile field must be the same as listed below – case insensitive – in order for it to be recognized and assigned it’s respective icon):
    • Behance.
    • DeviantArt.
    • Dribbble.
    • Github.
    • Linkedin.
    • Pinterest.
    • Reddit.
    • Snapchat.
    • Spotify.
    • Tiktok.
    • Tumblr.
    • Vk.

OCTOBER 31, 2020



  • Fixed image stretching when used inside a Group Block in a post.
  • Fixed the activation and registration page being accessible when they shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed the upload boxes not showing all accepted image formats by the theme (jpg/jpeg/png/gif).
  • Fixed default link icon not showing when creating social links using an unsupported social network.
  • Fixed more photos link directing to user photos page instead of group photos page when uploading photos to a group through a status update.
  • Fixed text, box layer and hexagon colors that didn’t have the correct derived color or user custom color assigned to them when customizing the theme colors.
  • Fixed single activity stream pages not showing user cover image and stats information.
  • Fixed credit deducts limit text saying it was an “Award Limit” instead of a “Deduct Limit”.

New Features

  • Introduced the following changes and additions in the color customization:
    • Added Header Icon – Hover Color.
    • Renamed Text to Text – Primary.
    • Added Text – Secondary.
    • Added Text – Tertiary.
    • Added Box – Shadow.
    • Added Over Box – Shadow.
    • Added Over Box Dark – Shadow.
    • Added Over Box Big – Shadow.
    • Added Header Progress Bar Line Gradient – Start Color (if you don’t want to use gradient, just set start and end colors to the same color).
    • Added Header Progress Bar Line Gradient – End Color.
    • Added Header Progress Bar Underline – Color.
    • Added Progress Bar Line Gradient – Start Color (global, user avatars and achievement progress bars).
    • Added Progress Bar Line Gradient – End Color.
    • Added Progress Bar Underline – Color.
    • Added Avatar Rank Hexagon – Color.
  • Replaced quest, credits and group creation decorative images with HTML elements to allow users for better customization when changing theme colors, specially when going for a dark version palette. These elements will now be colored appropiately by using customizer colors.
  • Added support for more profile field types (Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and Drop Down Select Box). Profile field types available with this update:
    • Text Box.
    • Multi-line Text Area.
    • URL.
    • Date Selector.
    • Checkboxes.
    • Radio Buttons.
    • Drop Down Select Box.
  • Increased the width of the photo popup box so that images with bigger size display better.

New Illustrations

  • Added new credits and ranks illustrations so you’ll have more options to choose from. You can find them inside the Illustrations folder in the updated pack.
