Vikinger - BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community
Thank you for buying the Vikinger – BuddyPress and GamiPress Social Community theme!. This documentation includes information on how to install and customize the theme and its various features and plugins. If you enjoy our items, please don’t forget to rate them!.
Please refer to the Getting Started section of this documentation for a detailed guide on how to install and setup the theme.
We used React to make several parts of the template more dynamic, allowing users to interact with these parts without having to wait for a page reload, improving user experience. For example, a user can filter activities, add them to his favorites or pin it, react and comment on it, all without a single page refresh.
This also means that certain plugins or addons that may work out of the box with the default WordPress, BuddyPress or GamiPress, may not work without us adding support for them for our theme.
Video Tutorials
We created a lot of video tutorials that you’ll find linked throughout the documentation in their respective sections. We hope that you find these useful when installing and customizing every theme related functionality. You can access the full playlist here.
Hosting & Speed
This being a social community, lots of people ask us about speed. Our theme is speed optimized, and we always keep optimizing it further, but speed will also greatly depend on your hosting.
From the live preview of the theme, you can see that the feeds and content loads pretty fast. We’ve been asked multiple times about the hosting/service that we use, so here it is:
- Hosting Provider: Hostinger
- Service: Cloud Startup
Please keep in mind that it will always depend on the scale of your project, so we strongly recommend talking with them in order to see what service will suit your needs.
Custom Services
Recently, lots of you asked us for customization services. Sadly, due to recent events (pandemic) we can’t take any custom jobs due to lack of time as our team got smaller and it’s already stretched thin.
Keeping in mind that due to Envato’s Support Policy, our support team can’t help with customizations or answer questions about them (we always try to help in any way we can, but keep in mind that personal and further customizations fall outside the support scope due to Envato’s rules) we recently reached out to a couple of highly rated devs, so if you want, you can check them out here:
WordPress Customization
Here’s also a list of illustrators and graphic artists:
Badges/Credits/Ranks Illustrators
We encourage you to first send them a message asking about what you need and they will advice you. You can also check out past reviews of people who already worked with them!