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Theme Customization

Site Identity

You can customize theme options by using the WordPress Customizer.

To access the Customizer:

  • Open your site and click on Customize on the WordPress top bar.
  • Click on the Site Identity customizer section to access it.

From here, you can customize the following theme options:

  • Logo: this image appears in the header and mobile navigation of the Streamer V2 and in header, footer and mobile navigation of the Vlogger V2.
  • Logo – Mobile: a smaller image, which is used instead of the Logo image on mobile resolutions.
  • Site Title: this text appears in the header, footer and mobile navigation of the Streamer V1 and in the header and mobile navigation of the Vlogger V1.
  • Tagline: this text displays in browser tabs.
  • Site Icon: this image displays in browser tabs and bookmark bars.