
We just released a new plugin bundle: Struninn - Elementor Plugins Bundle! We'll be having a discount price for just a few days, so hurry up and check it out!

Our Envato Profile


Valkivid – Content Creators





paid memberships pro

Getting Started

Install Plugins

We provide an easy way to install plugins via the Setup page. The Setup page gives information about each plugin, including latest available version, current version installed and active status, as well as setup status for selected plugins.

To install plugins, select which plugins you want to install and click on the Run Setup button below (the button will only be available if any of your selected plugins need to be installed, updated or activated).

If you choose to install a plugin, please make sure to check its respective section in this documentation in order to get more information regarding additional setup steps. For example, the Paid Memberships Pro plugin requires its frontend pages to be created and assigned manually via their plugin backend options.

Once you finish installing plugins, you can proceed to the next step: Setup Struninn