The Trickster
Store & Product
Builder Template

html css

A super modern store design with a product builder where you can customize the products, from color to price and characteristics. You can choose between two versions: simple, or with tabs for products with lots of customization

emerald-dragon-preview emerald-dragon-preview-small
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HTML5 Template

We use HTML5 tags, where appropriate, and valid HTML in all the template pages to allow your pages to be better understood by search engines and achieve better positioning (SEO).


Custom Plugins

Includes custom plugins made by us to provide template specific functionality that third party plugins don't offer. Every plugin has a corresponding documentation section that explains how to use it and all the plugin customization options available.


PSD Files Included!

All the PSD files the template is based on are included in the package for free. You can use them to further customize the template to fit your own needs.


Free Fonts & Icons

We make use of free fonts and icons to allow you to easily customize the appearance of your template by selecting from a vast array of publicly available fonts and icons.


Fully Responsive

The template is fully responsive, this means that all your pages will display correctly on different resolutions like mobile, tablet and desktop.


Well Documented

Includes a documentation file that tells you everything you need to know about the template, how to install it, how to customize it, the directory structure of the package, included custom plugins APIs and more!.


Illustrations Included!

Custom made illustration for this template are included in the package for free!.
